After leaving blois, headed south in our little red convertible, successfuly negotiated tolls, gas stations, 2 lane highways through towns to the autoroute, no billboards, no trucks, packed rest areas (with parking lots overfilled with vacationing french, and real meals served on non-disposable plates with wine!) then south to Jens friends communal house in pavie, near toulouse. An incredible group house (Domaine de Peyloubere, a 17th century former estate/hotel) these friendly people bought together. Amazing multilingual meal with 14 people, interesting conversations with folks from Beirut, Moscow and new zealand. Then had our own gite. Spending 2 days with pool, river swimming, walking in beautiful remote area, with spanish influenced architecture. Funny story while getting gas - 1 pump was not working according to people in front of me. So I waited till they drove off, then the car behind me pulls around to the broken pump and gets it working. I asked 'ca marche'?...